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The creative solutions we are searching for are not residing in old systems and beliefs.


This is why I love coaching - it isn't your typical consulting firm that charges you a fortune to tell you what you already know or the standard advice that's keeping us in the same place. 


Coaching centers the margins and flips the script - to support you to tap into your inner wisdom and creativity to navigate challenges.


Here, I will answer frequently asked questions about coaching so you can determine if coaching would be a fit in support of the impacts you are looking to make. 



 What is it like to work with you? 

This is what people say.

I may be a fit if you are seeking a coach who is helps you clarify your own answers. My coaching approach is compassionate, light-hearted, and action-oriented. If you are uncertain, you will know once we chat!

 How does it work? 

Step 1: We will have an intro chat to see if we would be a fit to work together

Step 2: If we are a great fit, we will determine a package that best matches your needs

Step 3: We will sign a coaching contract and begin our work together

 What will I get out of it? 

Instead of staying stuck in indecision or grinding through your to do list, with coaching support, you’ll... 


→ consistently tap into your inner wisdom and discernment

→ engage in relationships with more clarity and grace

→ take value-driven, integrity-based action consistently with ease

→ discover ways to meet urgent needs with more creativity

→ move past your internal stopping points, though uncomfortable they may be

→ embrace rest as a key ingredient in change work


While coaching inspiring leaders in our democracy, I’ve witnessed clients save themselves months and even years of overthinking and inaction as a result of coaching.

 What should I look for in a coach? 

​Asking the following questions may support: 


  • Context: Do we share a similar worldview and guiding principles for change? 

  • Training: Are they accredited through International Coaching Federation?

  • Ethics: Do they set up clear agreements & a contract? 

  • Gut Check: Do I trust them and sense they want me to flourish? 


I recommend setting up interests chats with 3+ coaches to find the perfect fit for you.

Interest chats are usually free because the coach will want to see if it is a fit for them too.  

 How do I know if we are a fit, Meg? 

Chances are if you read this far, we might be a good fit. ​

I recommend the next step is signing up for a intro chat.




I want to make sure that we have enough time to have a meaningful impact, but also a commitment you feel good about making. I suggest one of the following packages



For folks who are looking for a package to support short-term breakthroughs.



  • 3 months or 6 months

  • Meet 2 x per month 

  • Accountability Texts​




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For folks looking for deep dive to up level their success skills and increase engagement in goals (1 slot available)


  • 1 to 6 month duration

  • 1 sessions per week 

  • Optional 20-min check-in

  • Accountability Texts 





For a quick, one-off session to support you in a brisk breakthrough with a specific challenge. 


  • 60 min session

  • Follow-up 15 min check in 

  • Accountability Texts â€‹




All packages include the following: 

Free Interest

We will take 45 minutes to discuss what your hopes are for our time together and identify the ways to best support you.







If we are a fit, we will sign a digital contract found here, and will get started as soon as you would like.





Sessions by Phone or Zoom

During our sessions you will move through challenges, set goals, create action steps, and celebrate your achievements.





Text and Email Support

In between sessions, you can reach out via text or email for additional support in navigating challenges along the way. 





I am committed to creating a world where everyone is supported 100% and no one is left out. If you don't see something that works for you, but are still interested, you can inquire for more information about my sliding scale options.
Coaching Package Options


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